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Karas So LLP signs up to Equal Opportunities Commission's Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter

發佈於 2023年9月25日

On 19 September, Jason Karas, Managing Partner of Karas So LLP in Association with Mishcon de Reya signed the Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter, under the auspices of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC).

The Charter seeks to ensure that an inclusive and collaborative work environment is provided for everyone. It encourages proactive engagement with racial minorities from underprivileged and under-represented communities through recruitment, on-the-job training and mentorship schemes.

Karas So LLP will do its part to consistently review employment processes and policies by regularly assessing relevance, fairness and the absence of barriers for people of all races in line with the Charter's commitments and goals.

We are proud to be embracing our commitments under the Charter which are consistent with our core values and our belief that a broad spectrum of people with different perspectives allow us to provide the best service to our clients.

Ricky Chu attended our offices as Chairperson of the EOC, and he was accompanied by Raymond Ho, Niru Vishwanath and Rona Wong, representatives from the EOC Ethnic Minorities Unit. 
The delegation from Karas So LLP included Vishal Melwani, a partner of Karas So LLP and a member of the EOC Board, fellow partners Kevin So, Jonathan Mok, Kevin Kee and Mishcon partner, Kamal Rahman.

They were joined by Pooja Shahani, Geoffrey Lai, Benjamin Ridgeon, Elly Tso, Enoch Lee, Tim Tongxin Chu, Emma Ng, Sarah Wong, Angela Li, Queenie Fung, Kerry Poon, Lisa Lee, Samantha Peza, Hoi Sang Hysan Woo, Dan Amroussi and Anthony Yip.

Read more about the Charter.